Greece’s capital Athens has been picked as the fourth best European city to start a business enterprise, a survey by UK website Takepayments has found. Only Cambridge, Tallinn and Warsaw scored higher than the Greek capital.
Starting a business in Athens can take as little as four days and there are only three procedures required to do so.
In addition, there has been a 182% increase in the number of businesses registered since 2006, the survey found, which is the second highest in its rankings.
Athens also boasts a growing number of innovative tech-based businesses that are taking off, particularly within the travel and hospitality sectors.
The new Enterprising Cities Index by Takepayments, has ranked 37 European cities based on a range of factors relating to enterprise opportunity and growth.
The research reveals Europe’s most enterprising cities by calculating a city score which is based on the following five factors: the number of startup procedures and the amount of days required to start a business according to the UN data and the World Bank; the number of new businesses registered based on the same sources; the percentage growth in interest in starting a business on Google; and the Economic Freedom Index score on a national level in 2022 based on data from Heritage.