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EU Commissioner Ferreira: Greece a pioneer in tabling and approval of Recovery programmes


European Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira congratulated Greece for leading the way in the tabling and approval of Recovery Fund programmes and being country that is setting the pace for all of Europe, at an online press conference on Wednesday during the Olympia Forum II on using the potential of cities and regions.

In order for the word cohesion to have any meaning, Ferreira pointed out, no region or citizen should be left behind. "The participation of all and especially of the young," was essential in the huge effort for the recovery of European and national economies, she said.

Concluding, Ferreira repeated that the major challenge was ensuring participation in the modernisation of the economy, from smart specialisation to the green local growth, noting that this effort demands greater participation than ever. "All the stakeholders must be engaged, and primarily the young," she said.


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