A police officer was arrested late on Saturday for trafficking and holding captive an 18-year-old girl. The case was revealed when the girl managed to escape from his home and sought help in a cafe nearby in Ilioupoli suburb of eastern Athens.
The girl had run away from home after she was sexually abused by her father for several years. The officer apparently appeared as her “savior” and “protector”.
Arrested was also the girl’s father for sexually abusing her in the age of 11-17.
The girl was injured and terrified and the cafe staff informed police as well as an organization caring for victims of violence and a lawyer to defend her.
The girl reported to police that the officer kept her captive in his home, he was abusing her and threatening her even with a gun and he was trafficking her for money.
The 39-year-old police officer was already under scrutiny by the Internal Affairs Department, he was suspended since June for other crimes and would be dismissed from the Force.
According to Police press release, the police officer who is on leave due to be dismissed, has been arrested for bodily harm and human trafficking, threat and violations of the laws on weapons and domestic violence.
Arrested is also her girl’s father for rape and violation of weapons laws., the press release said.
The victim was held for several hours at the Headquarters for a lengthy testimony and was later taken to a public hospital for examination.
Odd enough, the victim had no access to a lawyer for some 12 hours and this fact set social media on fire with dozens of people claiming that police was treating a victim as a perpetrator.
Media reported late on Saturday, that also the girl’s parents were called in to the headquarters.
Social pressure on Police and the Minister for Citizens Protection continues also on Sunday, with dozens on Greek internet users “denouncing” wrongdoing for not taken the victim immediately to the hospital but keeping the girl for 12 hours with access to a lawyer.
Furthermore, they demand full investigation and transparency on the case suggesting that the officer was a member of trafficking and porn gang.
The officer and the father were taken to prosecutor on Sunday morning.